Dairy unit

Sl.No. Description of Unit Details
1 Year of Establishment 1995
2 Size of the unit 50 x 31ft (1550sqft)
3 Animal Standing Area 10 x 50ft
4 Capacity of the unit 10 cows
5 No. of farmers benefitted 2200
About Dairy farming

Animal husbandry and Agriculture have a symbiotic relationship, in which the agricultural sector provides feed and fodder for the livestock and animals provide milk, manure and draught power for various agricultural operations.

Dairying provides a source of daily income with a relatively low level of risk. Most of the dairy farmers are raising animals at a small scale in traditional ways. The productivity of these farmers can be enhanced if they run their business in a scientific manner. Most of such farmers are not aware of the modern methods of dairy farming. As a result, some farmers lose their investment instead of making profit. To ensure maximum production and profits from dairy farming, it is essential that these farmers adopt proper business plans and good dairy management practices.

Techno economic Parameters
1 Number of cows 10
2 Cost of each cow 40000.00
3 Average daily milk yield each cow (lit) 10
4 Sale price of milk Rs.30.00
5 Cost of green fodder cultivation (2 acre) Rs. 20000.00
6 Cost of concentrate feed per kg. Rs. 28.00
7 Cost of veterinary aid per animal/year Rs. 200.00
8 Cost of electricity and water per animal/year Rs. 100.00
9 Rate of livestock feed gunny bags Rs. 20.00
Heifers will be retained in the farm as replacement stock
Dairy Farming - Income and Expenditure

Sl.No. Description No. of units Unit cost Rs. Total Rs.
I - Fixed cost
1 Construction of cow shed and storage area 800 Sqft. 650.00 520000.00
II - Variable cost
1 Cost of Animals 10 40000.00 400000.00
2 Cost of fodder cultivation 2 acre --- 20000.00
3 Equipments-Chains, Robes, Milk cane, chaff cutter --- --- 43400.00
4 Miscellaneous 10000.00
Total Rs. 993400.00
Turnover per Annum
Sale of Milk Rs. 900000.00
Sale of gunny bags Rs. 5000.00
Rs. 905000.00
Profit per Annum
Turnover (-) Expenditure : 905000 - 473400.00 = Rs. 431600.00